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Our Journey Begins

Food Blog #1

Our journey started back in 2022, with four new acquaintances awkwardly trying to socialize on a weekday. I had never met Davis or Lynn, but my close friend Chace graciously welcomed me to a dinner at their apartment to discuss a business idea, and I hesitantly accepted.  As the night and conversations progressed, there was a sense that all of us had a mutual respect for each other's desire to create good food. 

Today, after blinking a couple times, we are well over a year into our adventure. As a group, we have created numerous recipes and dedicated our shared values into creating a cooking platform that brings all skill levels together. Our first idea of simplicity in a cookbook has endured our many trials and became a pillar for our cookbook. 

The initial idea was “Simply Seventeen,” which was 30 recipes using only 17 ingredients, but we quickly came to realize how difficult it was to formulate a cookbook’s worth of recipes with such few ingredients. After many debates and nights of attempting to create our dream recipes, we agreed upon 36 #SimpleStaples ingredients to create as many recipes as we can. If you’re wondering, yes, salt and pepper are included as part of the 36 #SimpleStaples. These are bare bone ingredients ranging from basic pantry items to meats and fish. Our mission as a community is “ make recipes that are simple and healthy by reducing the number of ingredients… recipes [that] can be used by anyone to make delicious food that is fun to cook and feels good to eat.” Interpret our statement however you will, but our philosophy is simple: cooking can be fun, easy, simple (get used to that word), and everyone can do it. 

Today, Chace and I stand alone at the helm, continuing to expand the number of recipes and living #TheSimpleStaples lifestyle as we journey through our busy lives. The past couple of months have been trial by fire, from honing in our recipes through countless days of experimenting to learning new skills like videography and script writing. It has been a whirlwind of a journey but we are excited to present our creations to the world.



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