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Sizzle Pig Sausages

Pigs can’t fly, but Sizzle Pigs’ sausages were flying off the grill. Sizzle Pigs, a sausage company founded by a former rugby teammate that Chace and I have known for years, sold out at their pop up this weekend. The entrepreneurship program at the University of Denver was hosting a Pop Up Palooza for student vendors that are venturing into sharing their passions. I initially showed up to support my friends as they spent many hours preparing to feed as many people as possible. Only asking to fill out a survey in return for free sausages.

The vegan mushroom empanadas caught my attention when I showed up and before I knew it, I was double fisting tongs and on grill duty. By the end of the event three hours later, we had served over 600 people. The feedback on Sizzle Pigs’ creation after the event put a satisfied smile on their faces as they were overwhelmed by the support. My day completely took an unexpected turn and ended up being quite productive as I enjoyed assisting friends who love to share their culinary skills. Supporting small businesses became a part of my life the past few years as I ventured into co-founding and working with a few startup companies. Local vendors are unique in the way that their passions meet their love in sharing it with others. Check out Sizzle Pigs sausages and support all your local vendors. Have a conversation with them and see what they’re all about, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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